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Orange juice's vitamin C content makes it  an excellent toner. When massaged into the face, it helps in removing excess grime and grease that can’t be removed with soap alone. To make the toner, blend half an orange, one and a half teaspoons of lemon juice and a quarter of a cup of water. The mixture should be blended till it is smooth. Then soak a cotton ball in it and apply it on the face.
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Gently massage your scalp with a little malt vinegar, and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with a gentle herbal shampoo. For a serious dandruff problem, then repeat this procedure at least three times a week for two weeks.
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Tea Bag

Another very effective way of making tired, sore eyes sparkle with energy is to soak a tea bag in lukewarm water for a few minutes and then place one on each eye. Leave them there for about 20 minutes. Soak a bag of black tea in warm water, and press it on your lips for about 10 minutes. You can repeat the procedure as many times as you want. Black tea's high tannin content will make your lips taut and smooth.
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Lemon Juice

While curd works well to remove tan, it’s not a good option for facial skin that’s sensitive, oily or susceptible to acne. Curd, rather, all milk products contain bacteria that may aggravate the problem of acne if applied directly to the skin. So a better option for acne ridden skin is to apply lemon juice mixed with glycerine. The mixture should be strictly on a 50-50 basis. Add equal amounts of lemon juice and glycerine, apply it on the face and keep it for 15 -20 minutes, and then wash it off with cold water.

Lemon juice, because it is mildly acidic, works well in lightening the color of hair. So if you want to lighten your hair color, rinse it with a mixture of three quarter cups of water and one quarter of lemon juice. Works better than those hair coloring products.
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Dark Circles

Potatoes contain catecholase, used as skin lighteners in cosmetics, and can also used to treat under eye circles. Grate a raw potato, squeeze the juice and apply it underneath the eyes. Leave it on for fifteen minutes and then rinse with cool water.
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Soak a bag of black tea in warm water, and press it on your lips for about 10 minutes. You can repeat the procedure as many times as you want. Black tea's high tannin content will make your lips taut and smooth.
Massaging your lips with the juice of Coriander leaves (dhania) will makes your lips rosy and soft.
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Hair conditioner

Make a smooth paste by mixing two spoonfuls of fresh honey with a single spoon of olive oil. Massage into your hair, starting with the roots and ending with the tips of your hair. Then, keep your hair covered with a shower cap and let the mixture seep in deep into your scalp. After 20 minutes, use a gentle herbal shampoo to rinse off the mixture.
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Gently massage your scalp with a little malt vinegar, and leave on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with a gentle herbal shampoo. For a serious dandruff problem, then repeat this procedure at least three times a week for two weeks.
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Improving complexion

For a smooth, clear and blemish free complexion, mix three spoonfuls of curd with a single spoon of Channa (gram) flour or besan and a small teaspoon of haldi (turmeric). Mix to make a thick, smooth paste. Apply evenly all over the face and leave it on for twenty minutes. Rinse it off with cold water.
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Skin Toning

Orange juice's vitamin C content makes it  an excellent toner. When massaged into the face, it helps in removing excess grime and grease that can’t be removed with soap alone. To make the toner, blend half an orange, one and a half teaspoons of lemon juice and a quarter of a cup of water. The mixture should be blended till it is smooth. Then soak a cotton ball in it and apply it on the face.
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Puffy Eyes and Foot Deodorant

Another very effective way of making tired, sore eyes sparkle with energy is to soak a tea bag in lukewarm water for a few minutes and then place one on each eye. Leave them there for about 20 minutes.

If you suffer from the infamous stinky feet syndrome, boil four to five tea bags or about three teaspoons of tea leaves in a quart of water and wait for it cool down to room temperature. Then add some cold water to the solution and soak your feet for 30 minutes. Dry your feet and apply medicated foot powder. At the height of your foot problem, follow this procedure twice a day, and once the odor is cured, do it twice a week for prevention.
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Tired Eyes and Dark circles

Tired and puffy eyes make you look overworked and fatigued. So while a good long nap would be a great idea, one of the best possible quick fix solutions would be to place a slice of cucumber on each eye and relax for a 20 -25 minutes.
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Hair Lightening

Lemon juice, because it is mildly acidic, works well in lightening the color of hair. So if you want to lighten your hair color, rinse it with a mixture of three quarter cups of water and one quarter of lemon juice. Works better than those hair coloring products.
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Removing Tan and Fairness

While curd works well to remove tan, it’s not a good option for facial skin that’s sensitive, oily or susceptible to acne. Curd, rather, all milk products contain bacteria that may aggravate the problem of acne if applied directly to the skin. So a better option for acne ridden skin is to apply lemon juice mixed with glycerine. The mixture should be strictly on a 50-50 basis. Add equal amounts of lemon juice and glycerine, apply it on the face and keep it for 15 -20 minutes, and then wash it off with cold water.
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Removing Tan and Soothing Sunburn

The summer sun has darkened your sun by several shades. Not a problem.
Apply a little homemade curd on the affected areas of the skin. It will not only help in soothing the sun burn but will also clear away the tan. If you don’t make curd at home, the packaged variety will also do. Do not use curd if you have oily or sensitive skin.
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Improve beauty Using Kitchen Products


Improve your appearance for free

You have been out all day in the hot sun. Might be your face tanned and dark. Your eyes are puffy and tired after hours at work.
If you want to attend a party in a couple of hours, what do you do when aren’t exactly looking ? You can these readily available kitchen products, you can spruce up your appearance within just a minute. And the price? No! Do not think about it, because it is free.

Secret Techniques for Feed the Muscle

To successfully navigate through today’s jungle of misleading and
conflicting information, you're going to have to become a very shrewd and
discriminating consumer. I’d like to help you do that.

You need supplements to lose fat:
Exercise, nutrition and the proper mental attitude (self-image) are the only things you need to lose fat permanently. Supplements are not necessary.
Some basic supplements are helpful for “nutritional insurance,” and some supplements can help speed up the fat loss process a little, but not nearly as much as the advertising may have been led you to believe.
Even supplements that have been proven effective are only responsible for a small fraction of the results you achieve. Based on 20 years of experience in bodybuilding and fitness, I believe that at least 97% of your results will come from good training and good nutrition. If most of your results come from nutrition and training, then why would you
chase after that last 3% “edge” if you haven’t even maximized the first 97%? Isn’t that approach completely backwards?

Believe it or not, advanced trainees, competitive bodybuilders or athletes
will probably benefit more from using supplements than beginners. High-
Copyright 2003, Fitness Renaissance. level athletes are more likely to have "maxed-out” their training and nutrition programs. Their diets are impeccable. Their training is intense. Their
discipline is unwavering.
Once you've reached a high level of development from intelligent, intense,
methodical training and quality nutrition, and the closer you get to your
ultimate genetic potential, the slower your progress will become. Progress
can and will continue indefinitely, but as you reach higher levels of
achievement, this is when supplements and other “minor” details make the
most difference.
In world-class athletics, competitions can be won or lost by hundredths of a
second, a tenth of a point, a fraction of a pound, or a single judge’s opinion.
The extra 3% that supplements might provide could be the difference
between winning and losing.
Now look at the average beginner or intermediate: They're still eating junk
foods and skipping meals. They're not even working out consistently. And
what do they do FIRST? You guessed it; they immediately run out
searching for a "shortcut" in the form of a pill or powder.
It's a shame that so many people look for easy ways instead of making the
effort to learn how to eat and train better.

Weight Loss Calculator for Quick Weight Loss

BMR [kcal]

Body Weight [lb] x 15 + (moderate activity [mins/day] x 3.5)

Since you wish to lose weight, your target = BMR - 500 kcal

For instance, you weigh 140 lb and you perform 20 mins of moderate activity every day. BMR of this example = (140 x 15) + (20 x 3.5) = 2100 + 70 = 2170 kcal. BMR minus 500kcal; it would be 2170 - 500 = 1670 kcal. Therefore 1670 kcal is the target in this example to losing 1 lb per week.

Weight Loss In Pregnancy

In pregnancy when just getting out of bed can be a challenge so exercise might seem out of the question. But staying active has lots of benefits both during your pregnancy and when it comes to giving birth. And if you were a regular gym bunny before you got pregnant, we've got tips on how to exercise safely in pregnancy.
If you are PREGNANT or you have just had a baby, here's how to regain your figure:
Wait at least 4 weeks until your body has fully recovered.
Eat as healthily as you can.
Meantime, learn about nutrition and devise a gradual exercise plan.
Then follow a low-fat HEALTHY DIET- about 1600 daily calories.
If you're breast-feeding don't eat less than 1800 daily calories.
Be patient, let nature take it's course and you'll regain your previous figure in no more than 5-6 months. A little longer if you're breast-feeding.

Weight Loss Tips for Women

You Need Incentives to Lose Weight:

Because dieting can be a pain in the butt,

we women need as many incentives as possible.

e.g. fur coat, diamond necklace...

If you can persuade Mr. Man to cough up

the odd diamond all well and good.

If not, you need to generate a

few incentives by yourself.

A good start is to measure yourself all over.

Measure your bust, waist, hips,

thighs and upper arms.

Make a note of these

super-secret statistics,

lock them in your safe,

then have a stiff drink.

(You'll probably need one)

Then, each fortnight or month,

re-measure yourself.

Each ½ inch lost will do wonders

for your motivation.

Throw Away Your Weighing Scales:

Scales invariably bring us bad news.

They are a sort of nasty, spiteful messenger.

Solution? Shoot them!

Okay, you can't shoot them,

but you can throw them away.

So do it!


No more bad news.

No more disappointments.

No more hysteria.

A new approach

Forget about what you weigh and instead,

concentrate on improving your eating habits

This isn't as dumb as it sounds.

You see a scales makes you


Like - 'how much do I weigh THIS week?'

Whereas, you should be thinking



'How much am I going to weigh in three months.'


'I'm going to slowly change my figure and

my life. Even though this may take a while.'

Be Prepared for the First Year of Marriage:

On average, women put on more weight

during their first year of marriage

than at any other time in their adult life.


They dine out a lot.

They entertain a lot.

They receive lots of dinner invitations.

And so on.

Just married?

Then don't make the same mistake!

Don't let yourself go, too quickly.

There's plenty of time for that.


1. Learn how to cook healthy food.

2. Train your partner to do the same.

3. Live shapely, ever after.

To put it simply

Don't ruin the lovely figure you had

on your wedding day.

Because when it goes,

it takes your peace of mind with it!

For an Instant Leaner Body:

Wear Black!

Don't wait till someone dies

before you wear black.

Black makes everyone look leaner and slimmer.

If you hate black, or if you're blonde,

choose another dark color

and wear it top and bottom.

You'll look leaner, instantly.